Friday, December 5, 2008

How to play 6 handed Euchre

  • Follow general rules described in how to play 4 handed Euchre.
  • Use a double deck of Euchre cards. This consists of the cards 9, 10, jack, queen, king and ace.
  • Deal out all cards.
  • There are three people on each team, every other person at the table is on a team.
  • Each player bids on how many tricks they can get.


Unknown said...

We, our euchre club play 5 handed this way. We use one deck of cards using ace, king, jacks, 10s, 9s, and 8s and sevens. Each player keeps own score to 10. deal the cards as in regular euchre. turn kitty card up. Go around each player to see if anyone would order it up. If no one orders up, then go around again to determine if anyone wants to make trump. Once trump is determined, then maker will ask for highest card he needs, usually one of top three cards. The player who has the trump asked for will be partner. Same rules apply. The maker of trump has to make 3 tricks to get one point. If he or she makes all tricks, then they get 3 points. Euchre is still 2 points. There is 3 persons trying to euchre the team of two.

Unknown said...

We play with 3 people, five, or six as well as 4 persons. This allows everyone to play.